So Tom's mom asked the kids Christmas evening what their favorite thing was that they got for Christmas.
Cameron: My favorite was the shovel.
Dallin: My favorite was my sword.
Braden: My favorite is going to be the telescope.
(oops...Santa ran out of telescopes this year)
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas morning
So Christmas morning we told the boys they had to wait till 7am to get up. Cameron got a new watch for christmas and opened it christmas eve so he was very aware of the time! So the morning came and he ran into grandpa's room (who tom told the kids was the "gatekeeper" and told you if you could go down yet). He said "Grandpa, it's 7:18. But I was up a little younger than that."
Monday, December 24, 2007
Camerons prayer yesterday:
"dear heavenly father
thank you for this day
thank you for christmas time and
Merry Christmas Heavenly Father"
"dear heavenly father
thank you for this day
thank you for christmas time and
Merry Christmas Heavenly Father"
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Something to think about...
So I don't ever forward mass emails to people and usually just delete the ones I receive, but this is something I saw on a friends blog and wanted to share it. I think it is a great thing to read and think about, especially this Holiday season. If you are looking at my blog, take a minute to read this and really think about it...
"The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers.
Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less.
We buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment.
More experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We’ve learned to rush, but not wait.
We have 24 hour access to information through televisions, internet, e-mail, cell phones, instant messenger, text messaging, pagers and blackberries, but we communicate less and less.
We have called evil good and good evil.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We love too seldom and hate too often and too easily.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We’ve learned how to make a living, not a life.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We’ve done larger things, but not better things.
We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window but nothing in the stockroom.
God won’t ask what kind of car you drove, but He will ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.
God won’t ask the square footage of your house, but He will ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won’t ask about the designer clothes you had in your closet, but He will ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won’t ask what your highest salary was, but He will ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won’t ask what your job title was, but He will ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won’t ask how popular you were, but He will ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
God won’t ask what neighborhood you lived in, but He will ask how you treated your neighbors.
God won’t ask about the color of your skin, but He will ask about the content of your character."
"The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers.
Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less.
We buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment.
More experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We’ve learned to rush, but not wait.
We have 24 hour access to information through televisions, internet, e-mail, cell phones, instant messenger, text messaging, pagers and blackberries, but we communicate less and less.
We have called evil good and good evil.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We love too seldom and hate too often and too easily.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We’ve learned how to make a living, not a life.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We’ve done larger things, but not better things.
We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window but nothing in the stockroom.
God won’t ask what kind of car you drove, but He will ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation.
God won’t ask the square footage of your house, but He will ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
God won’t ask about the designer clothes you had in your closet, but He will ask how many you helped to clothe.
God won’t ask what your highest salary was, but He will ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.
God won’t ask what your job title was, but He will ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
God won’t ask how popular you were, but He will ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
God won’t ask what neighborhood you lived in, but He will ask how you treated your neighbors.
God won’t ask about the color of your skin, but He will ask about the content of your character."
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
let's try this...
So my cousin posts videos of her baby all the time and so I thought i'd try it. It's easy to view and fun to see a little live action. Not that a baby is all that interesting!
pictures, pictures, pictures
So when I had this baby I dreamed of having some adorable pictures taken of the two boys looking down at sweet little jane who was either sleeping peacefully or awake and just looking cute. Yeah, right. I was dreaming!
Instead, Jane was screaming, the boys were monkeys, and I was almost in tears. Can't we just get one shot for a Christmas card?
I had high hopes of getting my cards out the day after Thanksgiving so
everyone I send to will have my new address in hopes of getting a few cards in return. After all, that is one of my favorite things about Christmas time.
And that's a wrap!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Mini Van Mom
So it's official...I'm a mini-van Mom! Tom bought me a mini van for Christmas. Or for having a baby, I don't know which. It only took 3 weeks of shoving carseats in the back of the mazda before we realized it was just a pain! It really only took Tom trying to get Jane's carseat OUT of the mazda once and after 5 minutes of trying he decided it was time to go car shopping. So he did research and found me a 2007 Honda Oddesey on Craigslist in Seattle. It was the day before Thanksgiving so he went and looked at it and surprised me by coming home with it. It was a great deal, and we would have paid the same amount for an older car with 30,000 more miles had we waited. I love it and I'm not ashamed to drive it!
Let it snow!!!
We had our first big snow storm here in CDA! The boys have been having so much fun playing in it! I thought they'd be more like their mom (wimpy) and get cold but they stay out for an hour to two every time they go out!
Here is our sweet baby Jane. She is 5 weeks now. I swear she is going to start smiling any day now! She is really focusing on faces and objects. It's fun to watch her grow, but I'm sad she's not my little 6 1/2 pound baby anymore. She's about 9 pounds now! I don't know how the heck some women push out a baby this big!
We went with the Gattens and cut down a Christmas tree! I stayed in the car with Lizzy, Sally, and Jane (I told you...I'm a wimp!). It was 20 degrees out and snowing. The kids had a blast though (except Braden who fell down so many times and got frozen!).
"Can I hold Janie?" is a question I hear ALL the time! I rarely say no, except when she's sleeping so peacefully and I don't want little boys disturbing her. She is a really great baby, most of the time. I think I figured out I can't drink milk. We had a really fussy time with her and I decided to try to stop drinking milk and the next day she was an angel! Then yesterday I decided to have one bowl of cereal with milk and sure enough, all afternoon she was fussy and kicking her legs. This morning it is gone. Hopefully its as easy as cutting out milk!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Where does the time go?
So it's already been 3 weeks since Janie's birth! Where the heck does the time go? We are so glad she is here. She's seriously just so fun! Not that newborns really are fun, but it's fun to have her.
She is waking up quite a bit. Her eyes are big and she reminds us of Cameron when he was a newborn. When she sleeps she has a Braden look to her as well. We know she belongs to us!
So this weekend Tom met his mom half way and she took the boys to Seattle with her. They were there Saturday through Tuesday without us and we are going over for Thanksgiving tonight. It's been SO nice to have the break. I love my boys, but man, how quiet it is with just a baby in the house! My sister-in-law Channing asked Cameron and Braden how they liked their new little sister and Cameron just kept saying, "She is just so cute. She is so little and she is the cutest little sister ever!" Then when his cousin Dallin told him his sister was the cutest cameron had to tell him he was wrong and that his sister Jane was the cutest. I'm glad he's already a protective older brother!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I had to go upstairs to get something yesterday and told Braden to watch his sister. She was fine, but he was right there and I thought he'd feel important to have a little job for a minute. I start walking up the stairs and peek over quietly to watch Braden. To my surprise, he picked up his dart gun, aimed, and shot her in the stomach. She let out a little yelp and Braden turned white when I yelled his name. He knew he was in trouble. He went straight to his room and when I came in a minute later with Jane he looked like he was going to cry. He promised to never do it again and gave her a kiss.
Man, what was he thinking? My "sweet" boy is not so sweet I guess...he's got a little mischievious side!
Man, what was he thinking? My "sweet" boy is not so sweet I guess...he's got a little mischievious side!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Halloween, Birthday, and Baby...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
More pictures
So I'm finally getting around to posting more pictures. I thought I'd be up and running a day after having her, but honestly I felt like I got ran over by a train the day after! I will say, the actual labor and delivery...awesome!!! Best epidural ever! I went into the hospital at 3:30pm and they started pitocin around 4:30, broke my water at 7:00pm, and she was born at 9:59pm. She is really an angel. Of course, she's still sleeping all the time! Her big brothers love her, although it took Cameron 2 days till he'd hold her. He was really funny about it. Braden took no time...he still wants to hold her constantly. We are enjoying the new baby. But don't ask when i'm ready to do it again!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Jane Ashley Dance
Sunday, October 21, 2007
So really I should have a week and a half till induction date...November 1st. However at my last appointment after Dr. Woods measured me, he wanted me to go in for an ultrasound. I was 37 weeks but only measuring 32 cm... 5 behind "normal" (sorry, you can all do the math). After the ultrasound, the tech took me back to the "office" and I found out that I have REALLY low levels of amniotic fluid. So they measure it like this...above a 10 is good, between 5-10 is low and they are concerned, and basically I was at a 2 1/2. The baby measured fine, a little skinny in the belly but nothing to worry about. So basically he sent me home with a charge to lay on my side, drink lots of water, and come back tomorrow for a non-stress test and another ultrasound and if the baby is stressed at all I would have to be induced that day. So I went back, baby is not stressed but just fine, and he did another ultrasound and found another pocket of fluid, and said I'm closet to a "5" as far as fluid goes. I think it will all be okay, but that doesnt' mean I haven't had a few nights full of worry. The best way to tell if everything is okay is if the baby is moving a lot, which she does thankfully! But how scarry is that? "Make sure you feel her moving at least 4 times/hour." I mean, when I don't feel her for a few minutes I freak! I go back on Monday for a NST and then on Wednesday for a NST, ultrasound, and visit with Dr. Woods again where I guess we'll re-evaluate. It'll all be fine, I know, but man, why all the drama? She was dramatic coming into this world and is wanting to cause drama at the end of the pregnancy too. Is it a sign?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
How Frilly can you get?
So sweet Lizzy threw me a shower and we had about 8 ladies come for a fun evening with dinner and chatting. Really, it was super fun. I feel so spoiled to have such nice people around me. Well of course, everything I got was pink. And I just had to show off this pink frilly dress. The picture doesn't do justice. It is a 2T "fairy" dress and oh my word, it is SO cute! I also got this amazing gymboree dress with a matching cardigan/hat/tights/shoes...the works! Girls are so fun! I mean, I don't have one yet but they sure seem fun to dress!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
My Crazy & Cute Kids
So nothing really new is going on here, but lately my kids have just been so dang cute together that I must post a few pictures. With a 4 and almost 6-year-old, it is quite hit and miss whether they are getting along or not. Since I'm having a good week, well I should say great week (pretty much no fighting), I must document. For my sake more than anyone elses. I will look back at this next week when I'm going nuts trying to keep them from killing each other and remember that they are best friends!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
New and Improved
So I've been working lately on getting our baby's room and the office all finished. So hopefully these pictures look different than the last ones I posted.
So this is the office now. We got this furniture at Office Depot a few weeks ago. I actually picked out this desk b/c I loved it, and when I went back to buy a chair, they were clearancing out the whole set...everything you see here...for $300.00. So basically I saved like $1500 off the retail price. I was totally excited and now love our office. We would have never gotten it if it wasn't for the great steal of a deal! Please refer to the last posting with our home pictures and note the difference of our old office and this one. 
This is an updated picture of the baby's room. The only thing you can't see is the dresser with changing pad. I wish it would fit into the picture b/c it's actually really cute! I'm hoping when my mom comes when I have the baby, she can help me make some cute curtains to match the crib bedding. I've never made curtains and I know it's not too hard, but I'm not that adventurous right now!
So that's about it.
This is an updated picture of the baby's room. The only thing you can't see is the dresser with changing pad. I wish it would fit into the picture b/c it's actually really cute! I'm hoping when my mom comes when I have the baby, she can help me make some cute curtains to match the crib bedding. I've never made curtains and I know it's not too hard, but I'm not that adventurous right now!
Life updates: less than 6 weeks till baby girl (we are probably naming her Jane Ashley....I have to say probably b/c I never quite know till I see the baby). My doctor (Dr. Woods...same doctor as in lucky for me he moved to Coeur d'Alene), is going to induce me a week early b/c he's going to be out of town at his grandbaby's baby blessing the week of my due date. I'm not complaining. So if she doesn't come before, November 1st is the date.
I had a blast with old dental/blakeley friends at "Time out For Women" in Boise. Took a road trip with some girls and left the family for 3 days. Very refreshing and much needed. I'm always a better mom for doing things like that. Highly recommend!
The neighbor boy is talking to us again. That's right. It only took a week before he knocked on our door and said he could ride bikes with the boys outside, just not play at our house. We didn't do anything but smile and try to be friendly...guess they came to their senses and realized we weren't that bad after all. Or their son made them crazy being inside all day b/c the only kids he ever played with he was now banished from. Either way, it's great. No more inside, just bikes of both worlds!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
So many of you have passed me up having baby #3, which is just fine, but I must ask a question. Is it just the fact that I'm now 29 and my body is getting older by the minute, or is it #3 that does it to you. I mean, my tailbone hurts more than any other pregnancy. I tried going for a long walk today and I swear, it was one big contraction and I felt like I was getting stretch marks as I walked. I have TONS of new veins on parts of my body you don't want to know about. And lately, I feel like such a wimp saying this, but my back just hurts! I have 8 weeks officially, but of course feeling optimistic with my last baby coming 9 days early, hoping for more like 6 - 6 1/2. I'm really trying not to ever complain, because not only do I not get sympathy from anyone here in my home, it seems to make the time go by even slower and the "aches" worse. I think the real thing must be that I'm really just a wimp.
Oh, and today we had a new friend over after Kindergarten. He's a really darling boy from our ward in AM kindergarten as well. During lunch he said to me, "You are having a baby!" I said, "How could you tell?" He said, "Because you're really fat. People aren't that fat unless they are having a baby."
Ah yes...just what every pregnant woman loves to hear! :)
One more thing. So we've just tried to let the neighbor thing blow over. It's been nice out so we just ride bikes and smile and go along as usual. So yesterday evening a bunch of people were outside so Tom went out to meet some new neighbors and after speaking with them, struck up a conversation with the "Other" neighbors from my last post. They talked a little of dentistry and other small talk, and the guy was very cordial. His son still doesn't talk to our kids, but hey, it's all fine with me. Hopefully it'll all just blow over in a matter of time.
Oh, and today we had a new friend over after Kindergarten. He's a really darling boy from our ward in AM kindergarten as well. During lunch he said to me, "You are having a baby!" I said, "How could you tell?" He said, "Because you're really fat. People aren't that fat unless they are having a baby."
Ah yes...just what every pregnant woman loves to hear! :)
One more thing. So we've just tried to let the neighbor thing blow over. It's been nice out so we just ride bikes and smile and go along as usual. So yesterday evening a bunch of people were outside so Tom went out to meet some new neighbors and after speaking with them, struck up a conversation with the "Other" neighbors from my last post. They talked a little of dentistry and other small talk, and the guy was very cordial. His son still doesn't talk to our kids, but hey, it's all fine with me. Hopefully it'll all just blow over in a matter of time.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
This is a first
So after my last posting of "firsts" for my children, today I experienced a "first" in my own life. It is still so new and i just need to talk about it or something.
So I don't know if I posted about our neighborhood's great. We live in a cul-de-sac and all the neighbors have been so kind. We do have one "weird" neighbor kiddy corner from us, but we've tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and just not judge them by their appearance. They have a 7 year old son who the boys LOVE to play with...i mean literally he's been over at our house for hours every summer day. I try not to be judgemental and always let him play over (just not the other way around). The little boy is really polite and has always been so happy to play with the boys, especially since Cameron is the next closest to his age in our little neighborhood. Oh, and he has a mohawk that goes into a long mullet, as well as a gold stud in each ear, and he's about 15 lbs overwight for a 7 year old, oh, and comes over in his flannel pj bottoms with no shirt no matter the temperature outside.
So anyways, he plays with my kids all the time, and they love him. Today we go outside to ride bikes and this father comes up to me and wants to speak to me in private. I get a little nervous and say okay. He then tells me that he heard we were mormon and is this true. I tell him yes. He says that he is sorry but his son can't play with my children anymore and they can't talk to us ever. I try to be kind with a smile and tell him we are just Christian people and he tells us we are not and we need to realize what our religion is. He "bashes" for a minute or two more and proceeds to walk away.
So I am totally shocked and come inside and it hits me...i just lose it! It's really silly but I just felt so hurt. I think I've just felt like I've been so kind to their son and just welcomed him into our home and then they find out we are "mormon" and we are like the devil to them. I actually am relieved he won't be knocking on our door 24/7 anymore, but now I just am sad I have to explain to Cameron why he can't play with this boy anymore. Oh, and after he tells me this, I go outside (all emotional of course) b/c my kids are riding bikes and I see him go to the other neighbors and talk to each one of them....i wonder what he said. Then Cameron sees the boy and the boy calls out to him "Cameron, I can't play with you anymore". Luckily I was right there and just brushed it off to cameron.
Anyways, so how can people be so intollerant and unkind when they call themselves Christian? Aren't we supposed to try to be like Christ?
In the end, I'm not really worried about the neighbors thinking anything of us. They are all normal and I can't imagine what I would think if some guy (who is more than a little odd with fairly odd-looking offspring) told me not to let my kids play with another neighbor who is totally normal and nice, because of their religion.
After growing up in NY and living in Seattle for 4 years and Salt lake for 2, this is a first for me!
So I don't know if I posted about our neighborhood's great. We live in a cul-de-sac and all the neighbors have been so kind. We do have one "weird" neighbor kiddy corner from us, but we've tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and just not judge them by their appearance. They have a 7 year old son who the boys LOVE to play with...i mean literally he's been over at our house for hours every summer day. I try not to be judgemental and always let him play over (just not the other way around). The little boy is really polite and has always been so happy to play with the boys, especially since Cameron is the next closest to his age in our little neighborhood. Oh, and he has a mohawk that goes into a long mullet, as well as a gold stud in each ear, and he's about 15 lbs overwight for a 7 year old, oh, and comes over in his flannel pj bottoms with no shirt no matter the temperature outside.
So anyways, he plays with my kids all the time, and they love him. Today we go outside to ride bikes and this father comes up to me and wants to speak to me in private. I get a little nervous and say okay. He then tells me that he heard we were mormon and is this true. I tell him yes. He says that he is sorry but his son can't play with my children anymore and they can't talk to us ever. I try to be kind with a smile and tell him we are just Christian people and he tells us we are not and we need to realize what our religion is. He "bashes" for a minute or two more and proceeds to walk away.
So I am totally shocked and come inside and it hits me...i just lose it! It's really silly but I just felt so hurt. I think I've just felt like I've been so kind to their son and just welcomed him into our home and then they find out we are "mormon" and we are like the devil to them. I actually am relieved he won't be knocking on our door 24/7 anymore, but now I just am sad I have to explain to Cameron why he can't play with this boy anymore. Oh, and after he tells me this, I go outside (all emotional of course) b/c my kids are riding bikes and I see him go to the other neighbors and talk to each one of them....i wonder what he said. Then Cameron sees the boy and the boy calls out to him "Cameron, I can't play with you anymore". Luckily I was right there and just brushed it off to cameron.
Anyways, so how can people be so intollerant and unkind when they call themselves Christian? Aren't we supposed to try to be like Christ?
In the end, I'm not really worried about the neighbors thinking anything of us. They are all normal and I can't imagine what I would think if some guy (who is more than a little odd with fairly odd-looking offspring) told me not to let my kids play with another neighbor who is totally normal and nice, because of their religion.
After growing up in NY and living in Seattle for 4 years and Salt lake for 2, this is a first for me!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Big Day
So this morning was a morning of firsts for each of my boys. We got up and got ready and took Cameron to his first day of Kindergarten. I'm sure many of you reading this had a similar experience this morning in your home as well! Cameron was so excited! He picked out his clothes last night and layed them out on his floor. We live about a block from the school so we walked to school and dropped him off. His teacher is just so cute. Her name is Mrs. English. She is a morning kindergarten teacher and also the vice principal of the school. I was really impressed with her. It was really hard to leave the classroom...I just about cried. This is just the beginning, right?
The minute we got home, Braden says to me, "Mom, lets take off my training wheels. You can help me and I can do it. Jackson can ride with no training wheels and he is four so I can do it too." I jumped on the opportunity b/c we've been trying to get him to take them off, but he hasn't been interested. So I took them off and took him to the cul-de-sac and off he went. He can't turn on his own yet, but man, he totally got it! I didn't even have to help except to stop! I think I underestimate my second child sometimes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Our house
So my sister, Kate, has been begging me to post pictures of the inside of our house. Since it may be a while before anyone gets to actually see it, I agreed, and finally I'm getting around to it. So this is for you, Kate!
the Beach
So Saturday we went to the Beach with Tim and Lizzy to celebrate Jackson's birthday. 
Here Braden and Jackson are trying to figure out if they want to go in the water or not. Jackson finally decided he did, but Braden didn't. It was a little cooler day, and very windy. He stayed on the ladder by the dock most the time.

Kate and Cameron digging in the sand. This is one of our favorite things to do here. Funny thing is, in this picture, they are actually about 50 yards from the beach on the sand volleyball court digging. We usually are right by the water, but the shade was calling our names so the adults sat under a tree while the kids dug in the sand. They swam in the water a little later.
This is for you, Erin. Happy? Lizzy took this one for me...Thanks. Like anyone likes showing off their belly...even if there is a reason for it being so large. 10 more weeks...or 8 if I can have it my way!
Here Braden and Jackson are trying to figure out if they want to go in the water or not. Jackson finally decided he did, but Braden didn't. It was a little cooler day, and very windy. He stayed on the ladder by the dock most the time.
Kate and Cameron digging in the sand. This is one of our favorite things to do here. Funny thing is, in this picture, they are actually about 50 yards from the beach on the sand volleyball court digging. We usually are right by the water, but the shade was calling our names so the adults sat under a tree while the kids dug in the sand. They swam in the water a little later.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Weekend in Bellevue
So we spent the weekend in Bellevue and we all had a great time. Tom's sister, Maria, put on a benefit concert in the Dance home and it was amazing! For any of you who don't know, she is a violinist studying at Rice University right now and man, she is really, really good! She raised over $1500 for a non-profit organization down in Houston working on helping medical conditions in Haiti. Not only is she talented, she is definately one of the favorite aunts!
Did I see my boys all weekend? No! They were playing with Jonny all day and all night long, as well as their cousin, Dallin. It was such a great break!
The boys just loved going out on the boat! Even though it was only about 70 degrees and overcast most weekend (and rainy), we found a few times to go out on the boat and enjoy Lake Washington. Brings back great memories!

This is me and my cute sister-in-laws and mom-in-law. It was so fun to just visit with them and catch up! It seems like we've been away from the Seattle area forever! It was so good to visit! (As much as we missed it, I will say I don't miss the traffic and the madhouse of Costco and other shopping centers!!! It was reaffirmed to me that CDA is the place for us, and it is WONDERFUL to have family in Seattle to visit!)
This is me and my cute sister-in-laws and mom-in-law. It was so fun to just visit with them and catch up! It seems like we've been away from the Seattle area forever! It was so good to visit! (As much as we missed it, I will say I don't miss the traffic and the madhouse of Costco and other shopping centers!!! It was reaffirmed to me that CDA is the place for us, and it is WONDERFUL to have family in Seattle to visit!)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Tom's latest project
So our garage is pretty much huge (I guess here in CDA everyone has boats and you have to have a place to store them, so they build 3 or 4 car garages for everyones "toys") and it has been our storage area since we moved here. It has pretty much been a disaster though. So Tom's looked into shelving and it's so expensive, so he decided to just create something himself. Working on the basement has given him a new confidence in the construction field. So Saturday night he built the left side, and last night he did the right side (it's all full now with all the rest of our "junk" in there).
He's now putting in some bike hooks for his bikes, bike stalls for the boys bikes with hooks for their helmets, and a few single shelves for his bike supplies. It's really nice having a husband who can fix teeth and use a hammer! Our basement is coming along...almost all framed. Tom's making a fort/playhouse under the stairs down there with a deck that comes out a few feet and a slide. Sounds confusing, I know, but it'll be really fun when it's done. Thanks Kate for that inspiration.
Monday, August 6, 2007
So my kids are getting to that point where they say things and I actually have to stop and have a teaching moment with them because they don't realize what they are saying. So a few days ago Braden was mad at me for putting sunscreen all over him and he was fighting me and then he said "You Idiot". I tried my best not to laugh, because he was so serious. He has NEVER said that before, and i don't know where he got it from. We talked about it and I tried to act mad. He hasn't said it since.
Yesterday Cameron was amazed by something and said "Oh my G_ _". So then we had to get into taking the Lords name in vain and why we don't say that. But then they wonder why other people say that which brings out more and more explainations and more questions.
Cameron has already had the "girl vs. boy" parts lesson but now Braden is looking at me funny and pointing to my boobs and wondering what they are for.
I think I'm not quite ready to have older kids that have real questions. I always thought the baby stage was so hard, but I'm really looking forward to having a child who doesn't talk back to me, yell at me, throw fits, say "I'm bored" (every other word some days!), and ask questions I don't want to discuss quite yet. I guess sending a child off to school will bring many of these questions.
I'm trying really hard to have a really close relationship with Cameron so that he'll ask me questions and not be embarrased. Yesterday I told him that he'll hear lots of things at school that he won't understand and I want him to come home and ask me what it means. At this point he doesn't even understand "swear" words. It's a little scary...I wish we could keep them innocent for just a little longer.
Yesterday Cameron was amazed by something and said "Oh my G_ _". So then we had to get into taking the Lords name in vain and why we don't say that. But then they wonder why other people say that which brings out more and more explainations and more questions.
Cameron has already had the "girl vs. boy" parts lesson but now Braden is looking at me funny and pointing to my boobs and wondering what they are for.
I think I'm not quite ready to have older kids that have real questions. I always thought the baby stage was so hard, but I'm really looking forward to having a child who doesn't talk back to me, yell at me, throw fits, say "I'm bored" (every other word some days!), and ask questions I don't want to discuss quite yet. I guess sending a child off to school will bring many of these questions.
I'm trying really hard to have a really close relationship with Cameron so that he'll ask me questions and not be embarrased. Yesterday I told him that he'll hear lots of things at school that he won't understand and I want him to come home and ask me what it means. At this point he doesn't even understand "swear" words. It's a little scary...I wish we could keep them innocent for just a little longer.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Only 5 more days...
I've never been one of those people to get all excited about the release of a book. August 7th "Eclipse" comes out. If you haven't read the first two books by Stephanie Meyer they are "Twilight" and "New Moon". Of course you are totally left hanging at the end of the second book and now that it is August and it is coming, I'm getting really excited to lose myself in the third book of the series. The fun only lasts a day, unfortunately, as I neglect all maternal duties and read from morning till the wee hours of the night to finish.
So if anyone has not read the books, I highly recommend them. They are "young adult" books, but hey, we are still young, right?
Anyone out there have any other great book suggestions? Summer has been busy and I haven't spent any time reading but I'm ready to now.
So if anyone has not read the books, I highly recommend them. They are "young adult" books, but hey, we are still young, right?
Anyone out there have any other great book suggestions? Summer has been busy and I haven't spent any time reading but I'm ready to now.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Pretty in Pink
So after our family reunions I was SO lucky to have two aunts who gave me a ton of baby girl clothes. One of the boxes of clothes was amazing...perfect condition...and about 60% Ralph Lauren, a few Nautica, a few Baby Gap, Gymboree, and a few infant Little Me or Carters layettes. Pretty much I am so lucky because I am totally set with clothes for the first year. And not just any clothes...adorable clothes!!! After that, I'm sad to say she won't be wearing any more designer clothes. I got home and layed everything out and 90% of the clothes are pink...hope that is her color!
Now that I'm over 25 weeks and after getting all these clothes, it's really hitting me. So pretty much I am really excited to have a girl.
Now that I'm over 25 weeks and after getting all these clothes, it's really hitting me. So pretty much I am really excited to have a girl.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Reunion time

At the Dance family reunion the boys played with their cousins Mason and Dallin non stop! Can you guess the theme of this reunion?
Aspen Grove Cousins
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We finally have grass! They layed sod in the front, and the back is hydro-seed so we'll have to wait for that for a few more weeks. I know this isn't that exciting for most people but it is for me. No more dirt blowing in the front. No more kids digging in the dirt. No more dirt tracking into our house! Our porch can finally be used b/c it's not filthy. Yes, I am excited for grass.
Tom's project
It has given him a great project and given me some sanity as well.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Let's give it a try
So I have been getting tons of emails from people in the last few months with posts to their blogs and tonight I got on and spent over an hour looking at one blogspot and then following a link to another and another. Wow...what a great way to find out what is up with people from my past. It was so fun to see everyone's kids growing up and just to see where people are. So since we are starting a new chapter in our lives, I thought I'd give it a try. Here goes nothin...
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