Monday, August 6, 2007


So my kids are getting to that point where they say things and I actually have to stop and have a teaching moment with them because they don't realize what they are saying. So a few days ago Braden was mad at me for putting sunscreen all over him and he was fighting me and then he said "You Idiot". I tried my best not to laugh, because he was so serious. He has NEVER said that before, and i don't know where he got it from. We talked about it and I tried to act mad. He hasn't said it since.
Yesterday Cameron was amazed by something and said "Oh my G_ _". So then we had to get into taking the Lords name in vain and why we don't say that. But then they wonder why other people say that which brings out more and more explainations and more questions.
Cameron has already had the "girl vs. boy" parts lesson but now Braden is looking at me funny and pointing to my boobs and wondering what they are for.
I think I'm not quite ready to have older kids that have real questions. I always thought the baby stage was so hard, but I'm really looking forward to having a child who doesn't talk back to me, yell at me, throw fits, say "I'm bored" (every other word some days!), and ask questions I don't want to discuss quite yet. I guess sending a child off to school will bring many of these questions.
I'm trying really hard to have a really close relationship with Cameron so that he'll ask me questions and not be embarrased. Yesterday I told him that he'll hear lots of things at school that he won't understand and I want him to come home and ask me what it means. At this point he doesn't even understand "swear" words. It's a little scary...I wish we could keep them innocent for just a little longer.


Courtney said...

I cried when Lucy told me she hated me the first time. Then she cried because she didn't know why she was in trouble... she's only said it the one time.

cat said...

i guess your kids are more innocent than mine, alastair told me the other day when he was frustrated "this is a damn it, right mama?" cute one.

cat said...

on the other hand, freddy has been asking a TON of questions about babies/birth and all that, and asked how babies get OUT of the tummy, and justin told him "the birth canal" and that seemed to satisfy him for now!:) scary how old they are getting.

Traci said...

A month or two ago Olivia asked me how the baby gets IN the tummy! My sister-in-law happened to be sitting right there also, which made it a little harder to not act emberassed (something I have vowed to do when these situations come up). I said a quick little silent prayer and then proceeded. In the end, Olivia seemed very satisfied and my sister-in-law seemed impressed.

I like that you told Cameron to ask you about things he doesn't understand...I'll have to tell Olivia that sometime before the school year starts.

team howey said...

The best phrase I have is "We don't do that in OUR family." Why do other's drink coffee? or alcohol? or go shopping on Sunday? I actually did have a talk with Tucker about drugs before I sent him to kindergarten! Scary how the world is. And last but not least is how NO ONE not even mom or dad touches your's the world we live in.

Natalie said...

We're going through that same thing right now. I find myself having to explain things earlier than I was ready to simply because my kids have been exposed to things by the neighbor kids or friends at school. And, I agree - one of the best things about babies is that they aren't sassy yet!

Natalie said...
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Evelyn said...

Yeah... I agree with you! I'll take the innocent baby stage- despite all the physical challenges. It seems a lot less tricky! I'm sure you'll handle everything with ease though!