Monday, December 3, 2007

Mini Van Mom

So it's official...I'm a mini-van Mom! Tom bought me a mini van for Christmas. Or for having a baby, I don't know which. It only took 3 weeks of shoving carseats in the back of the mazda before we realized it was just a pain! It really only took Tom trying to get Jane's carseat OUT of the mazda once and after 5 minutes of trying he decided it was time to go car shopping. So he did research and found me a 2007 Honda Oddesey on Craigslist in Seattle. It was the day before Thanksgiving so he went and looked at it and surprised me by coming home with it. It was a great deal, and we would have paid the same amount for an older car with 30,000 more miles had we waited. I love it and I'm not ashamed to drive it!


Amy M. said...

I am SO glad you got a mini van! This is why...we need a bigger car too, now that we're going to have 3 kids. I used to think I'd never drive a mini-van, but I have to say, the Odysseys are pretty convenient. That is what we are probably going to buy. I may be joining you in the mini van club soon.

autumn said...

I know that one day I too will drive a mini van and I will not be ashamed. Congratulations on your little girl! She is absolutely darling.

Sarah said...

Kim - that's awesome! We've been doing mini van research too and I think we are going to get the Dodge Grand Caravan. I can't wait until we finally make the big purchase (we just need to sell my other car first). Who knew we would be so excited about driving a minivan!!!

Heather said...

Kim, I love your blog. Logan, just gave me the link today (Tom told him)! 3 of my siblings have Honda Odyssey's! We are excited to see you guys over Christmas! Don't let Jane grow up too much before then.

Natalie said...

Kim: I LOVE driving a minivan. Dual sliding doors are my best friends. I love the pictures of Jane. Looks like your boys love to hold her :)