Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So many of you have passed me up having baby #3, which is just fine, but I must ask a question. Is it just the fact that I'm now 29 and my body is getting older by the minute, or is it #3 that does it to you. I mean, my tailbone hurts more than any other pregnancy. I tried going for a long walk today and I swear, it was one big contraction and I felt like I was getting stretch marks as I walked. I have TONS of new veins on parts of my body you don't want to know about. And lately, I feel like such a wimp saying this, but my back just hurts! I have 8 weeks officially, but of course feeling optimistic with my last baby coming 9 days early, hoping for more like 6 - 6 1/2. I'm really trying not to ever complain, because not only do I not get sympathy from anyone here in my home, it seems to make the time go by even slower and the "aches" worse. I think the real thing must be that I'm really just a wimp.

Oh, and today we had a new friend over after Kindergarten. He's a really darling boy from our ward in AM kindergarten as well. During lunch he said to me, "You are having a baby!" I said, "How could you tell?" He said, "Because you're really fat. People aren't that fat unless they are having a baby."
Ah yes...just what every pregnant woman loves to hear! :)

One more thing. So we've just tried to let the neighbor thing blow over. It's been nice out so we just ride bikes and smile and go along as usual. So yesterday evening a bunch of people were outside so Tom went out to meet some new neighbors and after speaking with them, struck up a conversation with the "Other" neighbors from my last post. They talked a little of dentistry and other small talk, and the guy was very cordial. His son still doesn't talk to our kids, but hey, it's all fine with me. Hopefully it'll all just blow over in a matter of time.


cat said...

kim, the same thing happened to me on henry. i felt 9 months pregnant when i was only 5 months along. it was about 156 times worse than the others. the aches and pains and EVERYTHING was worse. i couldn't stop complaining to everyone one i saw! there you go, hope that makes you feel better....or worse?

Courtney said...

Same here. I thought I was going into early labor for about four months. I was practically on bedrest just because doing anything made it so that I couldn't function the next day. I was so careful until I was 37 weeks so that he wouldn't be born too early and then after that I was doing everything I could to get that child out... he still was a week late. Baby #3 did the same to my mom, but she said #4 was a lot better. On the plus side, I seemed to bounce back a lot quicker after Spencer than after the other two.

rebecca said...

Good to hear from you. Yes, #3 was harder for me too! I think that with every child we have, pregnancy should get shorter and shorter, so that right now you would be overdue ;) Congratulations...Girls are SOOOO fun!

Natalie said...

Kim, YES, #3 did me in! I was so sore and uncomfortable and my hips would give out all the time and it was painful to walk. And I felt like a wimp, but it was seriously hard! He was my biggest baby, so maybe that had something to do with it. But don't worry - we all know what you're feeling, and you are not alone. Hope you are getting some rest (ha ha ha).

Ruby said...

Kim, you are not a wimp. The third one just does that to you. I was 24years old with our 3rd. I think the fourth kid about killed me, though. I have actually started getting gray eyebrows.

Chereebee said...

stop - you're making me nervous for when I have #3!! :)
sorry that you're not feeling the greatest - not too much longer to go though!!!!

Zach and Kate Hulet said...

Kim, I love your blog redesign. Looks great

Alicia L. said...

Agh! I need to stop reading all the comments. You all are making me scared. But Kim I think you look so great. You are so cute pregnant. We'll be crossing our fingers and hoping for an early delivery for you!