Sunday, October 21, 2007


So really I should have a week and a half till induction date...November 1st. However at my last appointment after Dr. Woods measured me, he wanted me to go in for an ultrasound. I was 37 weeks but only measuring 32 cm... 5 behind "normal" (sorry, you can all do the math). After the ultrasound, the tech took me back to the "office" and I found out that I have REALLY low levels of amniotic fluid. So they measure it like this...above a 10 is good, between 5-10 is low and they are concerned, and basically I was at a 2 1/2. The baby measured fine, a little skinny in the belly but nothing to worry about. So basically he sent me home with a charge to lay on my side, drink lots of water, and come back tomorrow for a non-stress test and another ultrasound and if the baby is stressed at all I would have to be induced that day. So I went back, baby is not stressed but just fine, and he did another ultrasound and found another pocket of fluid, and said I'm closet to a "5" as far as fluid goes. I think it will all be okay, but that doesnt' mean I haven't had a few nights full of worry. The best way to tell if everything is okay is if the baby is moving a lot, which she does thankfully! But how scarry is that? "Make sure you feel her moving at least 4 times/hour." I mean, when I don't feel her for a few minutes I freak! I go back on Monday for a NST and then on Wednesday for a NST, ultrasound, and visit with Dr. Woods again where I guess we'll re-evaluate. It'll all be fine, I know, but man, why all the drama? She was dramatic coming into this world and is wanting to cause drama at the end of the pregnancy too. Is it a sign?


Sarah said...

((Kim)) - Hugs to you! Worrying means that you are a good mom!! It sounds like things are okay though - she's moving around fine and the monitoring is showing she is well. I was induced with Luke at 38w because my fluid level was a 3 and everything turned out fine. I'm saying a prayer for you all!

Natalie said...

Kim - the same thing happened to me with my first baby. The doctor waited a week before she induced me, and everything went well. We will be keeping our fingers crossed for you and can't wait to hear the news of the baby's arrival!

Susan May said...

That would make me nervous too. It sounds like everything is going ok now though. Hang in there! You know it will be worth it all soon....

Patty said...

With girls it is Drama, Drama, Drama. It is still so fun to have girls, even with the Drama. My Bethany is the Drama Queen. Little Saydee is pretty layed back for now. That is the difference between being almost 7 and being almost 3. Good luck with your delivery I hope she comes fast like my Brian did. Love ya, Patty

Natalie said...

Congratulations, Kim & Tom! I agree with everyone, I also love the name! She is truly a beautiful baby. I'm glad to hear that everything went well. I know it will take some time, but I look forward to hearing how you like life with three kids! Hope you get plenty of rest.