Sunday, December 14, 2008

Newspaper Article

So I tried copying the exact link for this article but it won't let me. So if anyone has a minute, go to

type "dr. dance" in the search box at the top of the page and click on the first article.

This guy came out and did a free article on our new business and we think he did a fabulous job.
It was actually on the front page of Saturday's business section. Thanks for looking!


Traci said...

That is a GREAT article! I'm so happy for you guys!

the Lola Letters said...

What a great article! Kyle wants to know if he can get his dental work done there too (is 30 too old?) You guys are brilliant. I WISH your practice was in our neck of the woods!

Logan said...

Now you'll have to start one of those Disneyland lines out front, and have some dancers keep the kids entertained. Good to see you're accepting Medicaid. I've heard a lot of dentists don't these days. Too bad his wide-angle lens makes that TV screen look so small!

Colleen said...

How wonderful! Congratulations you guys!

tiff said...

3You guys are famous now! that was a great article hopefully we'll get to try out those video games soon.