Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's Sunday afternoon. We didn't go to church today due to the number of runny noses and coughs in our family right now. Tom left for Utah this morning and now we are bored out of our minds! Sundays can be really long.
So what is new? Well, we are still totally up in the air about what we are going to be doing in the future. Staying here? moving to Utah? Starting our own? Joining a practice? Right now we are looking seriously at starting our own practice. So if that be the case, I need some help. Please!!?!!
We need a name. The location we are looking at is in Hayden, Idaho (about 5 minutes from our house). If anyone has heard of a cool pediatric dental name, please share. We are thinking of:

Hayden Pediatric Dental

Dr. Dance
Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. Dance
Dentistry for Children

We will need a big sign with our "name" on it. There are other pediatric dentists we've heard of with names such as "kiDDS Dental", "Little Smiles" (his old job), "The Children's Village". If we could come up with something catchy, that would be great too. We are blessed with a memorable last name so that is why we thought of using it in the title.

Who knows? As we are racking our brain trying to come up with a "name" (because every loan application we've filled out we've left the "business name" blank so far), I kindof want to just get a moving truck lined up and hit the road back to Utah where a busy job is right around the corner. I told Tom to figure it out when he is in Utah this week. If he wants to move back, we'll just go for it. If he thinks Hayden is the place for us, then we're here to stay. I have come to the realization in my mind that I'll be happy wherever we call "home". There are so many advantages to both places, and as I weigh them all out in my mind (and on paper), I've realized I just can't take the emotional stress of deciding any longer and I'm leaving it up to my husband.
Of course I say this today but tomorrow I'll be on the phone crying to Tom we have to do "this" or "that".

Can you tell I'm a wreck lately? I know I'll look back on it all and laugh (or not), but right now it's just plain old hard.


cat said...

i like the 3rd one, it sounds more personal and more friendly (i know that is weird to describe it that way). i think you are smart using your name because it IS so catchy.
hang in there. seriously i didn't think that it would be so overwhelming starting out as well. i know that everyone says that it will be worth it...and i know that it will, but starting it is HARD. and all i want to do is decorate my house...get out of debt...take a vacation...*sigh*. i just know that we will both be blessed for having kids throughout school and not waiting and having a down payment for a house...or a light debt load....or...:)
we stayed home from church today too and so i am going a little nuts - hence the ranting!

Courtney said...

I hear that Bar Harbor Maine is very much in need of pediatric dentists :)

Zach and Kate Hulet said...
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Zach and Kate Hulet said...

Utah is great (driving distance) but we loved Idaho too! I can't believe that you didn't post ANYTHING about when your favorite sister and brother-in-law came to visit. Thriftique? Gooeys (sp)? Tetris? The basement? We had a fun filled weekend. And I know that there were some more stories that you were supposed to post (although the rollerblades was my favorite)! Dance's Dental, The Dancing Dentist, Hayden Heights Pediatric Dentistry. I'll keep thinking even though all of those were winners!

xoxo Katie Jean

p.s. You know that Chris is engaged? Maybe we will see you sooner than later?!?

Alicia L. said...

Oh Kim, I know you are going crazy. You and I are riding in the same boat right now. We're still up in the air too. At this point, I want to leave all the decision making up to Marcus because I'm tired of worrying about it constantly.

But, I know things will work out for you. And hopefully, you will be able to look back and say, "that wasn't really so bad..."

As far as names--I'm a bit partial to the first one. But I'd add Tom's name above it or below it. I think it sounds professional. It's good for both name and place recognition. But really, you can't go wrong with any of those choices.

Amy M. said...

You know which practice/location I'm hoping for! And you wouldn't even have to think up a name.
Seriously, these big decisions are so hard and stressful and you try to stop worrying about it, but you just can't. Good luck.

Lizzy said...

I hope you stay in good old Idaho because the Gatten family needs you guys here. But I think and hope we could make it without you. I like all of your names and think somehow you have to incorporate the DANCE family name into your sign. I'm starting to think may be our 40's will be great just because we won't have so much finacial stress resting on our shoulders. Or atleast by then we will know where we are suppose to live:)

Natalie said...

Wow - you guys have a lot going on! I can't wait to hear what you decide to do. You are being so positive about it, Kim. I love that you have decided that you'll be able to be happy wherever you call home. That is going to help make whatever decision you stick with all the easier. We've moved so many times, and that has helped me a lot. We'll be thinking of you guys - good luck!!

Logan said...

Honestly if you want help creating a logo/design let me know! We have the Adobe Creative Suite and I have a few ideas.

HeatherB said...

Good luck! You will have to fill us in on all the ins and outs once you figure it out. Thinking about what to do after school is the only time I am grateful we are still in residency. It scares me. I know you guys will do great though. And I agree with Catherine. Your last name is great, so use it in the title.