So I always get those pamphlets at the doctors office and never really read them. Well, when the doctor told me yesterday that Jane had RSV I decided I'd read up on it and I'm glad I did. Some of it the doctor warned me about, and some of it I was surprised to know. SO, I thought I'd inform blog readers out there a little about RSV.
RSV infects almost all children at least once before they are 2. Most of the time, they just exprience cold-like symptoms.
Preterm infants & young children with medical conditions are at increased risk for developing serious infection (about 500 kids die each year).
RSV is highly contagious. The virus can live for several hours on surfaces like countertops, tables, playpens, and unwashed hands.
It is spread by direct or close physical contact with a person or contaminated surface.
Prevention? Wash hands, keep away from sick people (duh), keep away from crowded areas like shopping malls, keep away from smoke (tobacco), immunize against influenza (!)
OK. I'm done. I've never had a baby with this so I didn't know much. Now I know more. More than anything, I realize it's not that big of a deal if they get it (unless they begin wheezing) and it's totally normal. But it still STINKS!! So get out the lysol, ladies. Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect!
Jane is fine. She's got a nasty old cough and runny nose. She had 1 HOrriBLE day...screaming pretty much all day long and just miserable...but now she's back to her happy, but sick, self. But now I can't go anywhere b/c the doctor told me as long as she has ANY symptoms, she is contagious.
We learned a LOT about this virus. It's a pretty nasty bug, one of many that adds to the winter cold season. I'd bet your two boys have had it as well, it's so common. Adults get it too, it causes minor "colds" or can even go unnoticed. And, interestingly, baby boys are usually much harder hit than girls.
When patients check in at the children's hospital, there is a warning that pops up that they have RSV. It's people take care with the care of the patient and themselves because it's contagious. So sad that Jane has been sick! :( that's no fun for anyone.
I'm so sorry about the RSV! I didn't realize that the germs could hang around on surfaces for hours! Our little Emily had it recently, but luckily no wheezing. Here's to healthy kids!
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