Sunday, November 29, 2009


My cute sister-in-law Maria got engaged over Thanksgiving break! She is marrying Kirk sometime early next year...probably February, but date's aren't final yet! We are SO happy for them. They are seriously the cutest couple and are just so great for each other! We are super excited to have Kirk in the family. He is currently in his pediatric dental residency in hawaii. Long term plan for Tom and I is to convince them to move out this way and us help him find a job close! If not, no worries...we'll be going to pedo conferences with them forever.

This picture was taken over Labor day at my house. Aren't they so cute!?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

IT'S A...

Healthy little baby! I had my ultrasound today and I got to see the little one moving all around. Healthy, all the parts in their correct places, and pretty cute too! But I'm biased as the mother!

What is the gender? Well, that we will all have to wait until D-Day. That's right. We didn't find out. We have two boys, one little girl, and we'll be thrilled with whatever comes next. We've never been surprised and just thought it would be really fun this time!
Funny though, how much of an opinion everyone has on the subject! I think I have only had one or two people actually say, "oh, that's fun!" Everyone else gives me the, "you are one of those" or "why would you do that" or "just put it in an envelope and give it to me so I can know" (the most popular phrase yet believe it or not)! But the truth is, I don't care what others think. I'm 100% satisfied knowing everything is healthy at this point and really look forward to finding out upon delivery!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cameron's big day

We have had a CRAZY couple of weeks in our house. Maybe not so much for everyone else but at least for me! It started with Jane's birthday last week, then I hosted book group at my house and fed everyone Cafe Rio salads. Then I prepared for Cameron's birthday (one week later), did some last minute shopping, had a family party with him on the 5th, and then a friends party on the 6th. Let me tell you, 7 eight-year-olds = chaos! At least Cam had a blast!

The next morning we woke up and got ready for a very special day...baptism day. We didn't get to celebrate one baptism, but two!! Cameron's lifelong friend, Kate, was getting baptized the same day. They are 6 weeks apart and have been friends since they were born! Lizzy and I met in dental school when we were both pregnant with these guys! So anyways, we went to Kate's baptism that morning, at 10:00, then went over to their house for lunch. Tom's parents came in about 2pm and we hung out with them until Cameron and Tom had to go to the church to get ready for Cam to get baptized at 5:00pm.
Cameron and Kate right after Kate's baptism.

Just before going to the church with dad and grandpa.

All dressed in white.
Right after the baptism. Can you tell how much my kids LOVE having their picture taken?

Kate came to Cam's baptism too!

After the day was over, we decided to celebrate by taking Jane to a sitter and going out to Red Lobster! Cameron and Kate LOVE shrimp and got the bottomless shrimp. Man, did they put it down! Here they are toasting with their root beers!
What a great weekend! We really had a blast with Grandma, grandpa, and Jonny coming to celebrate with us! But today I'm in my PJ's and am going to stay that way! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun!

We had a GREAT Halloween this year! It was just so fun because our kids were so excited about it! We went swimming in the afternoon with the kids at the Kroc center, went to a halloween party at a friends house where we had potluck dinner and the kids did crafts, then we came home and went trick-or-treating. I stayed at home to hand out toothbrushes & a piece of candy to everyone who came by our house, and Tom took the kids out. Jane was hillarious! After every house she would say, "one more house, daddy". She did not want to come back in and would not let anyone hold her candy bag, even when it got heavy. The boys had a blast and could have kept going but it was getting chilly and we bribed them with a movie.

My three amigos!Jane was a unicorn (thanks to my friend). Braden was Indiana Jones and Cameron was Zorro.
During the movie Braden said, "This is the best day ever!"

Oh, and they didn't really care about how much candy they got b/c in our house, the halloween goblin comes and eats their candy anyways. What's that? Well, the boys write a note to the goblin, put their candy out on the front door step before they go to bed, and in the morning, the candy is gone and a prize is there waiting for them. They were so excited about it this year they had NO problems picking 5-10 pieces of their favorite candy to save(after stuffing their faces all night) and putting the rest out. Sure enough, this morning, the boys each had the prize they wanted (thanks to Tom and his late-night Fred Meyer run), and I don't have to deal with candy, wrappers, and more candy messes than I care to deal with post-halloween.
Last year I even had enough candy still left at Christmas to use to stuff their stockings!