Thursday, March 12, 2009

read this!!!

My friend from high school, Susan, forwarded me this link and I REALLY enjoyed this article! I think you all would too! Cut and paste it into your web browser. I think you'll be forwarding it to your friends too!

To anyone who ever said I was too young to get married, too young to have kids yet, or that we have too many kids...HA!


tiff said...

great article. It's so great to hear other people standing up for this!

Colleen said...

A good read! I really liked that.

Logan said...

Kim, thanks for sharing. I'm SO glad we started our family during medical school - never would've done it any other way. If only we had met during my sophomore year.... we could have as many kids as you!

Susan May said...


Glad you enjoyed the article! I did too. And it made me think of you....