Thursday, June 5, 2008

Graduation time

We seem to have a ceremony for everything these days. Not that graduating from preschool and kindergarten aren't momentous occasions, but is it really necessary?
OK, OK, So they were really cute. Braden graduated from preschool last week and we had the pleasure of hearing his class sign the abc's, their names, they counted to 100 by 10's and then 1's, and they sang a few cute songs.
Then today we went to Cameron's kindergarten graduation where we heard the whole kindergarten (about 100 kids) sing songs and then watched as one by one, they went up to the podeum, shook hands with their teacher, accepted their certificate and stood on the X to take a picture.
They were both really cute and I'm really proud of my boys. They have come a LONG way this year and both really come out of their shell. Don't get me wrong, they are still both totally shy and freaked out at the thought of giving a talk in primary, but it's been so good for me to see them grow up this year and watch them interact with other adults and kiddos in a school setting. I must be doing something right because as crazy as my boys are at home, both their teachers tell me how well behaved they are and plesant to have in their classes.

Congratulations Braden!

Doing the pledge...oops, wrong hand Braden!

Cameron with his teacher, Mrs. English.Cam with his kindergarten buddies.

Me and my handsome boy! (he just ate a blue cupcake & you can see the blue on his teeth!)


Logan said...

I think it's great that they have graduation, it gives them a chance to be recognized and helps them get used to going up on stage. It would be awesome if they got a couple of the kids to give graduation speeches. Did they?

Zach and Kate Hulet said...

Kim I love your hair... I know this was a post about your kids... they look great and are so so so smart! But really... I love your hair! cute color!

Susan May said...

Kimmy, you look beautiful. Congrats to the boys :-)

dupaix5 said...

It sounds like we had a similar week. Both Kaden and Kam had their graduations too. Your boys are darling and you look great.

Colleen said...

I think these graduation ceremonies are great since it celebrates the steps they have made in the year which seem like little things to us, but are huge to them. They look so cute and so proud! Such big boys!

cat said...

how fun! i love celebrating those little milestones. they look so dang cute!