Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jane didn't want to take a nap today. I didn't want to fight her so I closed the door and told her to read books and have "quiet time" in her room. Well, moms know best, right? She was exhausted and after talking to my sister on the phone (okay for about 45 minutes), I went up there thinking it was awefully quiet, and found her...

Oh, and I finally cut the boys hair. With the pile on my bathroom floor, I could have donated to locks of love!


Mary said...

I love accidental naps! I always put Max down for a quiet time, and even at 4 1/2 sometimes he will fall asleep.

the Lola Letters said...

Yay for crash naps! Those are the best kind. She looks andgelic with those blonde locks and pouty lips - too cute!

Dusty , Angie, & Gage said...

They are growing up so fast! How are you feeling? Miss ya!

Karina & John Calderwood said...

heehee....I found you! ;) I love this pic of Jane...I love it when mom wins. :)