Sunday, June 7, 2009

Seattle trip

We had a fast and furious trip to Seattle last weekend for 2 major events... 1 eagle court of honor and 1 missionary farewell (actually 2).

1. the eagle court of honor. Why a trip for this? Well, because Tom's dad always imagined that when his 7th and final son got his eagle, that all of his boys would be together, in their scout uniform, to celebrate the occasion. How many families have 7 eagle scouts?

2. Jake, Tom's little brother, is heading to the MTC this wednesday where he'll be for the next 2 months before going to Paraguay for the next 2 YEARS!!! (His cousin, Blake, had his missionary farewell just 2 hours before Jakes in the same building, so we got to attend both!

Jane was not very happy about saying goodbye (or not happy about being held by a strange man)
With the whole gang together, we took some family pictures. A few different poses and some fun ones of the siblings...

It was also Braden's birthday weekend, so he got to have a HUGE family birthday party. He was so happy. I can't believe my boy is 6!

I had to post this picture of me and beautiful Kari because people always tell us we look like sisters. Seriously, when we are together, they wouldn't guess Tom and Jeff were brothers, but Kari and I were sisters! I'll take the compliment!
The boys had a blast with cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandma and grandpa.


Susan May said...

So Tom has 1 sister I take it?? Is she the baby?

Sounds like a fun trip!! You look so pretty :-)

Harris said...

Look at all of those boys. Seriously, how did Julienne do it? Those are really fun pictures. The family one is so cute. Tell everyone hi for us. What a fun and cute family!!

cat said...

7 eagle scouts? that's amazing. i bet his parents are so proud!
looks like a fun trip.