Monday, April 14, 2008


So why is it that I am constantly dressing my daughter in PINK and I am constantly getting asked the question, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Today in TCBY I got asked. She was in Salmon pink PJ's with flowers on them!!! And her carseat is half PINK half brown and green with flowers!

The other day I was at the grocery store and Jane had on a purple velour sweatsuit and a white bow in her hair. A lady comes up to me and says, "Your baby is so cute." I thank her and smile. Then she looks at her socks and NO JOKE says, "Good thing she has these ruffly socks on or you wouldn't know if she's a boy or a girl."

I am seriously contemplating piercing her ears!


Mary said...

People must just be blind! I had Ben dressed I thought like a boy, but the guy behind me kept referring to him as "she." I guess hid clothes were neutral. But a hairbow and purple clothes should signal it's a girl!

Mary said...

I meant "his clothes" there. It's hard to type while caring for a baby.

Susan May said...

Hey Kimmy! I know when Marisol was little there were always some people that mistook her for a boy. Even when she was all in pink! (Usually it was men who did this :-) There were some people who would tell us that you could tell she was a girl... and of course we thought that she looked like one! But now I look at some of the pictures and I can see that she just looked like an adorable little baby -- possibly boy or girl! Jane is soooo beautiful anyways! I love seeing all the pictures....

Amy said...

Both my girls were bald (til 3), and I completely relate, I remember having Maddie in a pink dress, and someone told me what a cute little boy I had. I just thought poor lady, she's a little young to be so senile.

Zach and Kate Hulet said...

People are crazy! I might just get fed up enough to say "I was wondering the same thing about you".... just kidding.