Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Only 5 more days...

I've never been one of those people to get all excited about the release of a book. August 7th "Eclipse" comes out. If you haven't read the first two books by Stephanie Meyer they are "Twilight" and "New Moon". Of course you are totally left hanging at the end of the second book and now that it is August and it is coming, I'm getting really excited to lose myself in the third book of the series. The fun only lasts a day, unfortunately, as I neglect all maternal duties and read from morning till the wee hours of the night to finish.
So if anyone has not read the books, I highly recommend them. They are "young adult" books, but hey, we are still young, right?
Anyone out there have any other great book suggestions? Summer has been busy and I haven't spent any time reading but I'm ready to now.


Unknown said...

Hi Kim. It looks like you had so much fun reunioning. (Is that a word?) And I'm so excited your having a girl. So sweet.

I have to say I finally got around to reading Twilight. I neglected my kids all day yesterday to finish it! So many people had recommended the book but I was a little reluctant. I don't really get into the sci-fi genre. I never even got past the second Harry Potter novel because I can't get into it....I'm weird. But we (Marcus and I both) loved Twilight. I'm going out today to find the second book. I'm glad I won't have to wait long to read the third! I love finding a good summer read that I can totally get absorbed in!

Courtney said...

My sister got me into it, I can't wait either.

Traci said...

I will have to check them out...I defintely need something good to read here in DC...especially since Harry Potter is is very sad for me :-|.

Thanks for the encouragement to do the Blog! I am having fun with it!
