Cameron did have a great season this year. It was really fun to watch the games. It's amazing how the skills jump from age 5-6 to 7-8. These guys can get pretty intense at times! Here is Cam with his coach, Coach Tom. Funny thing is, we didn't volunteer to coach, they were desperate for help this year. So Tom said he would do it (this was a week before the first game and after all the teams were set). Well, come to find out, we aren't even on the team we sponsored! Even more ironic, Tom is coaching the OTHER pediatric dentists sponsored team. By the time we found out, it was too late to change anything. Oh well! Tom was a really good sport about it and just laughed it off.
We were lucky to have our cousin Max come to visit us from Las Vegas. He had a bit of dental work that needed to be done. One frequent flyer later, we got to spend all weekend with him! The boys LOVED it!
Jane decided Saturday night she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed. We've had this set up for a few weeks and suddenly the other night she was crying in her crib saying "big bedroom". I put her in here, mostly for kicks to see what she'd do, and she fell right asleep. Next night, same thing! Is this a foreshadowing of the future? When she decides something, she does it. All of the sudden she has to be the one to put her shoes on, she has to pick out her clothes (although if I distract her enough I can get what I want on her), she has to get out of the car by herself. Everything is "my do it".
We are so scared to move camilla out of her crib, she is so wild I just can't imagine her falling asleep with the girls downstairs.
Ha ha Coach Tom! So, when he's rooting for his team does he yell, "Go Little Smiles!"
At least you get the "my do it" instead of Brennan's moaning and wailing and pointing.
Woah. Cameron is sooooo tall!
I am kind of homesick for all my Seattle friends right now. Maybe it is because we had a cold spell (the high was SIXTY today!), and I made apple dip for my young women tonight. In any case, aaaaah, miss you guys.
Nobody can resist the blue eyes and white curls! I miss her! Move to Utah!!!! jk
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