Friday, October 31, 2008

Jane's almost walking!

Happy Birthday Jane!

My sweet little Jane turned one! I can't even believe it! Where did the last year go? Just look at her, isn't she the sweetest thing you ever did see?She started off very dainty and just poking around at the cake. Then she decided to dig in!

She loves to help me unload the dishwasher, whether they are clean or dirty! I tell her "thank you Jane", and she laughs and grabs me another spoon!
Can't you see why I'm just totally smitten by this little girl? She really is my angel!
On another are a few other things we've been up to...
Halloween! The boys had SO much fun! Jane experienced her first Halloween...if the candy bowl was anywhere within reach she booked it there! It was hilarious! She opened a kit kat all by herself, and she enjoyed her first sucker as well. The boys loaded up with candy, and we handed out toothbrushes at the door with our business cards attached (with a piece of candy as well). The word on the street..."that house has toothbrushes!!!" We handed out about 200 and got LOTS of parental approval, as well as excitement from the kids about it! Funny, huh?
Grandma Julienne came a few weeks ago prior to opening to help out. She got to come watch Cameron's soccer game as well. It was so fun to see her! Next time we're going to make her stay longer than just a day! The boys were sad she had to go so soon.
Cameron's birthday is next week. He's invited 6 boys and then Kate. It's so funny. He told me today, "Mom, you know who I like the least in the whole world? GIRLS!" What? When did this start? Kate is different, however. Kate is a pal that Cameron will always just love! I tried to get him to invite another girl to his party but he'd have nothing to do with it. Just Kate, Mom.
When Braden isn't playing with Jackson, he's quite smitten with little Sally. I can see the picture now...20 years from now...a happy couple with their little baby! :)

Well, that's about it. We've been really crazy, but who isn't? I've been up at the office a lot, but am starting to phase out. It's been really good though.

Tom has actually been really busy. He's seeing about as many kids as he can see in a day with just one assistant. We're contemplating hiring another assistant or opening another day. It's really going well! We had an ad in the newspaper last week and are getting ready to send out 11,000 postcards over the next 3 weeks. It's all really exciting for us.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Opening Day!!!

So I finally have a minute to post to all my fellow bloggers what has been consuming our family's time! The office is DONE!!! You don't know what a sigh of relief I gave as I walked into my home this afternoon (after being in the office all morning...jane's pack-and-play in Tom's office for her morning nap) and just knowing I can just be a mom again! It feels so good. Sure, there are little things here and there I will be doing, but I can handle it during Jane's nap and when the kids are in bed. Not every second of the day.
So with that being said, here's an official tour...
Here is a look of the waiting room as you walk in the front door
Here is a view from the deskHere is a view at the front door again This is the kids play area (you can see the opening on the right side in the picture above)Here is a view from the hall looking behind the front desk and into the waiting room
I skipped pictures of the staff room, tom's office, and bathroom, all to the left of this pictureKeep walking down the hall and turn to go to the open bay (where he has 2 benches, a half wall with the hanging airplane, and two more benches). Behind me are the two treatment rooms.This is a room off the hallway too, our sterilization room
This is one half of the open bay. This is the other half. I couldn't get all the benches to fit in the picture.
That is it for now! Tom saw 13 patients today! And 4 have to come back for treatment. Tom has one assistant and one front office girl. They are both great!
Thanks to everyone who has been cheering us on in this great adventure. We really appreciate you all!